How to compute quantile effeciently

use t-Digest to compute quantile in practise


  • Background
  • What is quantile
  • How to calculate accurate quantile
  • The problem of accurate quantile algorithm
  • Histogram algorithm
  • t-Digest algorithm


SLI Provider

  • SLI = Service level Indicator
  • A measure of the service level provided by a service prociver to a customer
  • Common metrics: latency, throughput, availability, and error rate

Data aggregation

  • average, sum…
  • data ranked at 0%(min),0.1%, 1%, 50%(medium), 99%, 99.9%, 100%(max) => quantile

What is quantile

quantiles are cut points dividing the range of a probability distribution into continuous intervals with equal probabilities,
or dividing the observations in a sample in the same way.
– WikiPedia

Speocialized quantiles

  • 2-quantile is called the median
  • 4-quantiles are called quartiles
  • 100-quantiles are called percentiles


  • kth q-quantiles => k/q quantile => p-quantile where 0 < p < 1
  • 5th 100-quantiles = 0.05-quantile

How to calculate accurate quantile

The nearest-rank method

$$n= \lceil \frac{P}{100} \times N \rceil$$

The percentile values for the ordered list {15, 20, 35, 40, 50}


The linear interpolation between closest ranks method

medium of {7, 8, 10, 15} is 8 or 9?

Mapping relation bewteen rank and percentile

  1. the neearest-rank method
value rank percentile
7 1 25
8 2 50
10 3 75
15 4 100
  1. Map the middle rank to 50th percentile

There are 3 variants. For large samples, the different methods agree closely


value rank percentile
7 1 12.5
8 2 37.5
10 3 62.5
15 4 87.5

$$ p = \frac{1}{N} (x-\frac{1}{2}) $$


value rank percentile
7 1 0
8 2 33.3
10 3 66.6
15 4 100

$$ p = \frac{x-1}{N-1} $$


value rank percentile
7 1 20
8 2 40
10 3 60
15 4 80

$$ p = \frac{x}{N+1} $$

lineaer interpotation


The Apache Commons Mathematics Library

Let n be the length of the (sorted) array and 0 < p <= 100 be the desired percentile.

  1. If n = 1 return the unique array element (regardless of the value of p); otherwise
  2. Compute the estimated percentile position pos = p * (n + 1) / 100 and the difference, d between pos and floor(pos) (i.e. the fractional part of pos).
  3. If pos < 1 return the smallest element in the array.
  4. Else if pos >= n return the largest element in the array.
  5. Else let lower be the element in position floor(pos) in the array and let upper be the next element in the array. Return lower + d * (upper - lower)

The problem of accurate quantile algorithm

  1. Retain all samples in memory
  2. Sorting is infeasibility for very large datasets
  3. Can not be used for distributed dataset

=> approximation algorithm

Histogram algorithm

Prometheus use it for Histogram(metrics type)



  1. Pick buckets.
  2. Counts samples during the bucket.
  3. Calculate quantile likes the Apache commons Mathematics library.


  1. Only bucket(lower bound, upper bound, count) kept in memory
  2. Fast and no sorting
  3. Can be used for distributed dataset


  1. Artificial error introduced when picking buckets.

Can buckets be self-adaptation?

t-Digest algorithm

Data structure

  1. Histogram: Bucket(lower bound, upper bound, count)
  2. t-Digest: Centroid(mean, weight)


  1. aggregate
  2. query

Aggregate: Buffer and Merge

Centroids: [c1,c2,c3]
Centroids left weight: [w1,w2,w3] //0<w1<w2<w3<=1

  1. put values into Buffer: [v1,v2,v3] //vi = Centroid(vi,1)
  2. sort Centroids & buffer: [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6] //N = $\Sigma$xi.weight
  3. centroid left weight: [y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6] //$yi = \Sigma_{j<i} x(j).weight$
  4. merge from lelt to right: merge(x1,x2) , merge(x3,x4,x5) when [y1,y2, w1, y3,y4,y5, w2, y6, w3]


Scale function

how Centroids left weight: [w1,w2,w3] comes from?

$$ f(q)=\frac{\delta}{2\pi} sin^{-1}(2q-1)$$





We introduce Apache math percentile as benchmark, it calculate percentile with no compression (not suitable for big data, but accurate)

quantile T-Digest Latency Histogram Apache Percentile T-Digest error Latency Histogram error
0.05 57.94 52 58 -0.001034482758621 -0.103448275862069
0.1 60.91 56 61 -0.001475409836066 -0.081967213114754
0.2 65.95 62 66 -0.000757575757576 -0.060606060606061
0.3 70.22 69 70 0.003142857142857 -0.014285714285714
0.4 76.93 77 77 -0.000909090909091 0
0.5 89.27 93 89 0.003033707865169 0.044943820224719
0.6 137.08 143 138 -0.006666666666667 0.036231884057971
0.7 202.6 215 202.6 0 0.061204343534057
0.8 366.07 426 363.4 0.007347275729224 0.172261970280683
0.9 2426.46 2316 2152 0.12753717472119 0.076208178438662
0.95 12173.21 11978 12174 -6.48923936258315E-05 -0.016099885000822
0.99 14722.91 14395 14755 -0.002174855981023 -0.024398508980007
1 15829 15000 15829 0 -0.052372228188768

In the winner column, t means t-Digest. latencyHistogram is an Object to calculate quantile using Histogram Algorithm, so l means latencyHistogram.

Only quantile 0.4 and quantile 0.9, the Bucket algorithm wins. Otherwise, the t-Digest is better.

Most t-Digest’s error rate is less than 1%(except 1 case), some of them less than 0.1%.
Most latencyHistogram’s error rate is larger than 1%(except 1 case), several times larger than t-Digest’s.

We also compare to their MAE(Mean Absolute Error), RMSE(Root Mean Squard Error)

Method t-digest error latency histogram error
MAE 0.011857229981624 0.057232929428791
MAE>=0.95 0.00074658279155 0.030956874056532
RMSE 0.035510150597576 0.072033769203999
RMSE(>=0.95) 0.00125621250338 0.034628234255414

So t-Digest is better, especially for important data.


Author: 方镇澎
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